Nuco and Highfield Accredited Training

First Aid At Work

At First Class Safety our Highfield and Nuco Accredited First Aid Courses are essential for learning how to provide immediate care to someone who is injured or becomes ill before professional medical help arrives. First Aid qualifications are a valuable skill set to have, as it can potentially save lives in emergency situations.

Find the course thats right for you

2 Day First Aid at Work (Level 3) Requalification

Our 2 Day First Aid at Work Requalification course is designed for individuals who need to renew their existing First Aid at Work certification. This course ensures that participants' skills and knowledge remain up-to-date and effective.

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Price starts from

£170 + VAT

3 Day First Aid at Work (Level 3)

Our 3 Day First Aid at Work course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to handle a wide range of emergencies that might occur in a workplace.

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Price starts from

£225 + VAT

1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work (Level 3)

Our One Day Emergency First Aid at Work Course equips candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to medical emergencies, potentially saving lives and reducing the severity of injuries.

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Price starts from

£85 + VAT