First Class Safety
Course Aim
Our Basic Manual Handling course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to perform manual handling tasks safely in the workplace.
Our Basic Manual Handling Training Course is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely carry out manual handling tasks in the workplace. Manual handling refers to any activity that involves lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, or carrying objects by hand or by bodily force.
The key components covered in our course include:
1. Introduction to Safe Manual Handling
2. Potential Hazards, Injuries and Ill Health
3. Legal Duties and Responsibilities
4. Risk Assessments
5. Manual Handling Controls
6. Principles of Safe Movement
Anyone who is involved in lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling objects as part of their job duties should attend basic manual handling training to learn proper techniques and minimize the risk of injury.
Delegates will be awarded a certificate of attendance on successful completion of assessment.
It is recommended that this be refreshed annually.
£85 / person
There are currently no event dates available for this course.